Frequently Asked Question

Where can I find a list of faculty employees and contacts?
Last Updated 2 years ago

You can find the complete telephone directory at:

Some other important contacts:

AIS Administrator (Academic Information System) 
Administrator provides access to AIS upon a request of the HR department. 
System integrator: Samuel Hraško; tel. no. +421 918 669 198; e-mail:

MIS10 administrator (Integrated Information System - registry management)
Administrator provides access to MIS10 upon a request of the head of the employee's workplace. Administrator: Ing. Jana Závacka, PhD.; tel. no. +421 918 674 130; e-mail:

Parking in the FCHPT facility (parking system)
Requests for parking permits are sent electronically via the electronic request form: You need to log in to view the application. 
Detailed information on parking can be obtained by sending a message to:

Head of each workplace:
The telephone contacts are listed in the link with the directory above.

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